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Things are getting slowly better…

Good morning mummy lovers 💜

Thought I’d give you all an update as it’s been dead quiet here on the page.

So the girl monster: she is “fixed”, we have been UTI free since around May this year. We found out via urology that the constant UTI’s she was having when this all started ppppffftt 2 years ago nearly, were because the first 18 months she was getting the UTI’s (that were coming back having been tested and showing infections) had basically made her bladder have a muscle memory type thing. This then explained why the last 6 months she’s been having that feeling of a UTI but no tests were coming back as showing infection. Basically because she had had them going on so long - which we don’t understand why it was happening still to this date, her bladder kept telling her brain that she was feeling that well known and hated pain indicating she had a UTI because it had gotten use to having them so often. So she needed some medication to “relax” her bladder so it didn’t send her brain the feeling any more which is good.

Then March time I came down with that 100 day cough thing but the girl monster was having breathing issues for some random reason and it turned out she’s also asthmatic, she’s been put on a blue and brown inhaler and is doing much better with that issue. Then end of last month we thought she had come down with tonsillitis which then lead to concerns that she had glandular fever (fun times 😳👎) this also coincided with relevant blood tests to check if she did have glandular fever plus even more blood tests to check if she has allergies. Which both then came back as negative BUT she’s got anaemia. Finally again she’s on more meds and making progress- yay!

The boy monster again for the last two years ish has had congestion issues which were baffling, but he started getting repeat ear infections from last October so much so we had to make use of our private medical insurance which has been a godsend so by April we were getting him seen by a private ENT. After he had pressure and hearing tests that all came back fine, I had a eureka moment whilst in the appointment with ENT and I mentioned that he had this congestion issue that we had 15 months previously been referred by NHS for allergy testing and was due to be tested in June. So the ENT Dr jumped on my eureka brain wave moment and shoved a camera up his nose where you could see the open spaces of his nose which enables you to breath well were so swollen! So he ended up with allergy testing also as the Dr was sure the congestion issue and the middle ear infections were ironically linked together. Allergy testing came back as a level 2 for cats and a level 5 for dust which was typically seen in asthmatic people which 12 months prior he had been diagnosed also as asthmatic and he had been put on high dose antihistamines for this congestion issue and again a blue and brown asthma pumps. He was ultimately put on a daily steroid/antihistamine pump for his nose that magically aided in his congestion and solved the ear infection issues. His allergen tests also showed a 600+ measurement in his immunoglobulin levels which is ridiculously high which again we are going down the road of finding out why this was so high.

Both kids ended up with 75% attendance at their schools which anything below 90% they usually go ape shite at you. Surprisingly though they have both had brilliant years at school and the girl monster scored exceptionally high (ratings for SATs are 80-120 with an average being 100) score of 110 on each 3 SATs subjects which was amazing giving how much time she’s had off school.

Today is her last day at primary school as she starts secondary school in September- wtf has time gone coz I still remember when she started foundation 1 however many years ago that was.

As for myself, I’m still coughing gunk up from that 100 day cough from back in March and it did land me in hospital in May, however start of July, each weekend I’ve been running a gloriously high fever. Told I too had tonsillitis then a week later being told I had a throat infection then a week after that my neck/head felt like I’d been in a car accident and I couldn’t move my head without being in pain. This then turned in to one of my lymph nodes in my neck/collarbone area becoming visibly and noticeably swollen.

So back to the GP I went and I had extensive blood work done that came back this week yet my new neck lump thing seems to have gone down but some of my bloods didn’t come back alright which is concerning, but they are repeating those tests again in the next week to see wtf is going on with me.

I know it’s a long post but I felt the need to update you all in such a detailed way. My usual policy’s are that I don’t work during the summer holidays so I can look after and entertain our monsters, however I will be working through the summer holidays with the full intentions of clearing these delayed orders. 

I just wish to express my utmost gratitude to those who have patiently waited for such a long time and those who haven’t made an already hard and difficult time for me even harder. Words cant describe just how grateful I am for everyone’s understanding, kindness and support. 

Much Love

Mrs Mummy Love


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